Security Papers Limited (SPL) has received 34th Corporate Excellence Award of the Management Association of Pakistan (MAP). The Company already holds 24th to 29th Awards (six times running) and 31st to 33rd. The Award recognizes the best managed companies in Pakistan that follow guidelines and principles of latest management and techniques. This is the ninth times the company has been recognized in this category since the inception of award in 1982.
It’s a tremendous honor to receive this prestigious award amongst so many notable companies and worthy peers. It is a testimony to all the hard work, commitment, and dedication SPL Management and employees has put in this over the years to achieve and maintain the highest standard of professionalism. We believe our Company is ahead of the curve when it comes to following best Corporate and Management practices and demonstrating outstanding performance and progress and enlightened management practices in different areas, including corporate governance, strategic planning, social responsibility, planning human resources, production management, research and development.
It is our Company’s goal to continue to manifest its deep commitment towards striving for excellence and good corporate governance. With this momentum, we look forward to holding onto this prestigious honor for many years to come